Therapy for Individuals
Individual sessions are a good way to deal with a problem, think out loud, figure things out, get support, and gain new perspectives.
We provide individual therapy as a means towards relationship work as well as general individual therapy for those needing help with anxiety, depression, trauma and more.
Individual Therapy Can Make a Difference in a Relationship
We believe that one person can make a difference in the evolution and health of their relationship. And further, we have seen relationships improve when one partner received therapy while the other partner was opposed to couples therapy. In fact, individual therapy can often lead to successful outcomes in relationships whose partners had first attempted couples therapy.
The counselors and therapists at the Couples Center of Pioneer Valley have successfully worked with individuals who have come to us when their relationship was suffering any number of issues, including sexual issues, fear of intimacy, anger, substance abuse, or other addictions.
We honor the tradition of talk therapy, but in our experience, we have seen much better outcomes through the additional use of energy psychologies including EMDR, EFT, hypnosis, and Gestalt. These methods can work quickly and effectively to help address long-standing issues that may be blocking your growth.
All sessions available exclusively through TeleHealth.