Counseling for Neurodiverse Couples

No relationship is without its challenges, and this is equally true for Neurodiverse couples where one or both individuals are neurodivergent.   

Relational struggles can leave you feeling frustrated, disengaged, and hurt, and for those in a Mixed-Neurotype relationship, the intensity of these complex emotions can be especially painful. Feelings of being judged and completely misunderstood and undervalued can leave both individuals feeling exhausted, anxious, and starved for emotional connection.

Our CCPV neurodiversity-affirming counseling approaches therapeutic work with the understanding that autism, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, Tourette’s syndrome (TS), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), dyspraxia, and certain other conditions aren’t problems to be cured or solved, but individual neurotypes with unique strengths, needs, and challenges.  

Our neurodivergent couples counseling can help you identify, acknowledge, and resolve verbal, non-verbal, and physical communication mishaps—particularly ones that are specific to the unique characteristics of Neurodiverse couples.