Polyamorous Couples Counseling

When previously monogamous couples mutually realize that having one partner doesn’t work for one or both of them, they may consciously decide to explore open relationships. Like all couples, they need to build good communication, a sense of caring and closeness and a clear understanding of the expectations within their relationship. But, because they are exploring opening their relationship, the pressures they face are complex.

Additionally, polyamorous couples deal with the same fundamental life choices monogamous couples do. They must balance the demands of career, home, and often, raising a family. But the presence of secondary and even tertiary relationships means that there are special considerations. This requires advanced levels of emotional and relational intelligence, awareness, communication skills, and trust.

Our experienced and specialized CCPV therapists can assist you and your partner(s) in:

  • Navigating relationship boundaries

  • Identifying needs and fantasies

  • Helping you process feelings of insecurity, jealousy, fear, excitement, curiosity, and desire.

We will assist you in co-creating a relationship contract or explicitly stated and mutually understood agreement that works for all partners while maintaining security, and with emotional safety and trust in knowing your partner(s) is there for you.

When working with more than two people, e.g., throuples, polyamorous quads, or providing assistance to polycules and polyamorous families, the best option is to book a mini intensive or an intensive with one of our poly-affirmative clinicians. This will give you either four hours or one day together - enough time to really dive into the issues at hand and the complexities involved.